The list below provides information on a growing network of Post COVID Care Centers (PCCC).
If you know of any additional care facilities or centers, please send details and info to science@survivorcorps.com.
Every Post COVID Care facility offers different services and access to specialists. We have labeled each according to services offered: Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery (most comprehensive), Rehabilitation & Therapy (focus on rehabilitation) and Acute COVID-19 Recovery (focus on improved function after severe illness or hospitalization, often in-patient services). *Survivor Corps does not endorse any providers.
Rio de Janeiro
Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (HUPE-UERJ) Post-Covid Multidisciplinary Outpatient Clinic
Boulevard 28 de Setembro, 125 - Vila Isabel, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20551-030, Brazil
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery
The Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (HUPE-UERJ) Post-Covid Multidisciplinary Outpatient Clinic will be a public outpatient care center exclusively aimed at treating the sequelae / persistent symptoms that follow COVID-19. The expectation is that up to 300 patients per week will be seen at the Clinic. For this, a clinical team has been set up that includes specialist doctors (cardiologists, neurologists, nephrologists and clinicians), in addition to nurses, physiotherapists, nutritionists and psychologists, all of whom have experience with COVID-19 treatment.
On site, patients will first undergo a nursing screening, consultation with a general practitioner, physical therapy assessment (motor and respiratory) and, if necessary, consultation with a social worker. After this first visit, patients will be referred, if necessary, for consultations with specialists, laboratory tests or psychological care. The goal of the HUPE-UERJ Post-COVID Multidisciplinary Outpatient Clinic is rehabilitation to integrate the patient back into their pre-COVID routine and quality of life.
The Clinic has established space for both general clinical care and specialized offices. The Clinic is open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm.
To make an appointment: Call 2868-8000. Patients need to be referred, according to clinical guidelines, through the Regulation System (SISREG).
Contact Clinicians: Rui de Teófilo and Figueiredo Filho