There’s a lot going on. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with upcoming events.

FDA Public Forum on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Long COVID
On Tuesday, April 25th, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is hosting a virtual public meeting to obtain input from patients and patient representatives on several aspects of Long COVID, such as its effects on daily life, current approaches to Long COVID treatment, and considerations for clinical trial participation.
As such, the FDA is encouraging individuals with Long COVID, family members, advocates, caregivers, and other stakeholders to participate in the live webcast. The meeting will be conducted in both English and Spanish using live translation.
For each discussion topic, a panel of patients and caregivers will provide brief comments to start the dialogue. The panel comments will be followed by a facilitated discussion during which patients and patient representatives are invited to call in or share written comments related to their experiences. Patients or caregivers who are willing to share their experiences as part of a panel conversation can indicate so on the registration form (see below).
If you have any questions, you can email PatientFocused@fda.hhs.gov.
Read more HERE: FDA.gov
And register for the event HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongCOVIDPFDD
Long COVID Anthology: Call for Written Submissions from Long-Haulers
Ongoing [Deadline: March 31, 2023]
An initiative by the name of Long Hauler Publishing has invited those with long COVID to submit short stories, commentary, letters, essays or poetry addressing their own lived experiences as long-haulers.
These submissions will be compiled into a Long COVID anthology. The anthology, spearheaded by fellow long-hauler Mary Ladd, aims "to harness support for American COVID long-haulers while furthering a wider understanding of Long COVID’s ongoing effects".
Long Hauler Publishing is seeking submissions from all types of long-haulers, not just professional or published writers, and welcomes marginalized and underrepresented voices. The goal of the anthology is to serve as a historical document entirely produced by and for long-haulers.
Long Hauler Publishing is also seeking editors to help review and organize written submissions. All editors will be paid $150 for their work. If you are interested, please reach out to longhaulerpub@gmail.com by February 3rd (two weeks from today) and include a resume and/or bio in your email.