Michigan Medicine Publishes Free Guides of Advice & Wisdom from COVID-19 Patients, Families & Caregivers
Access a trove of practical tips for COVID-19 Care (Hospital and Post-Hospital) - available to all, and for any hospital or health system to adapt and publish.
Guides for COVID-19 Caregivers
Michigan Medicine [MM] has put together 9 Free Guides to help you during your own COVID-19 journey or that of someone you care for. Each one focuses on a different part of the COVID journey, with valuable tips, links and more, and space to track of symptoms and record important information. You can read, print, download or refer to them online.
These Caregiver's Workbooks are based on the experiences and wisdom of those who have gone before you, and who are participating in a UMIch H.E.A.R.T study (Health Enhanced by Adjusting and Recovering Together - Care & Recovery Stories) of COVID-19 caregivers.