The list below provides information on a growing network of Post COVID Care Centers (PCCC).
If you know of any additional care facilities or centers, please send details and info to science@survivorcorps.com.
Every Post COVID Care facility offers different services and access to specialists. We have labeled each according to services offered: Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery (most comprehensive), Rehabilitation & Therapy (focus on rehabilitation) and Acute COVID-19 Recovery (focus on improved function after severe illness or hospitalization, often in-patient services). *Survivor Corps does not endorse any providers.
Puerto Rico
Salud Integral en la Montaña (SIM) Post COVID-19 Clinic
SIM Integral Health Center, Carretera 164 Sector el Desvío, Naranjito, PR
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery
The Salud Integral en la Montaña (SIM) Post COVID-19 Clinic has been created in response to the need for medical attention for patients who have contracted COVID-19 and have developed ongoing symptoms or sequelae as a result of the virus. The Clinic is designed to offer specialized health care through a multidisciplinary team of specialists.
Patients who meet the criteria to receive specialized care in the Post COVID-19 Clinic, may be evaluated by different health care professionals such as: Cardiologists, Psychologists, Dermatologists, Gastroenterologists, Pulmonologists and Nephrologists, who will offer the patient integrated care to meet their medical needs identified during their medical evaluation. In the Post COVID-19 Clinic, different complementary services are offered as required under medical evaluation including: Sampling, Radiological Studies, and Pharmacy, among others.
The Post COVID-19 Clinic offers its services on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at the SIM Integral Health Center in Naranjito.
The main criteria for a patient to qualify to receive health services at this specialized Post COVID-19 Clinic are the following:
Having contracted COVID-19 with a positive (molecular) PCR test
Be over 21 years of age
Have 1 or more persistent symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus
To make an appointment:
Patients can call 787-869-5900 and select option # 9 of the automated system or dial the following extensions directly: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. During this initial call, a pre-screening questionnaire will be administered to identify whether or not the patient qualifies for services.
Trinidad & Tobago
Arima General Hospital Long COVID-19 Clinic
29 Providence Circular, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery
The Arima General Hospital Long COVID-19 Clinic has been designated by the Ministry of Health to cater to patients who feel the effects of COVID-19 for weeks or months beyond the initial illness.
Symptoms to be treated through the Clinic may include fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and depression, heart palpitations, chest tightness or pain, joint or muscle pain, not being able to think straight or focus (brain fog), change in smell/taste, and persistent cough.
To make an appointment: Email execwellness.agh@ncrha.co.tt for more information.
Patients are required to obtain a specialized referral letter before the pre-visit screening can be set up via phone call.
Medical Director Dr. Ravi Lala states, “Within our own hospital systems, we self-refer patients to our clinic. Secondly, our forms for admission into the clinic have been widely distributed throughout our Regional Health Authorities. Other members of staff within our system could refer via the form. Patients could take the form, come to Arima General and deposit the form at the CSR's desk in our lobby and the form then gets processed."