The list below provides information on a growing network of Post COVID Care Centers (PCCC).
If you know of any additional care facilities or centers, please send details and info to science@survivorcorps.com.
Every Post COVID Care facility offers different services and access to specialists. We have labeled each according to services offered: Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery (most comprehensive), Rehabilitation & Therapy (focus on rehabilitation) and Acute COVID-19 Recovery (focus on improved function after severe illness or hospitalization, often in-patient services). *Survivor Corps does not endorse any providers.
Glen Waverley (Melbourne)
The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre Long COVID Outpatient Program
499 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery
The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre has developed a fully-supervised reconditioning outpatient program for patients suffering from Long COVID, designed to support their graded return to activity and educate on the management of common symptoms. With comprehensive medical supervision coordinated by Dr Damien Tharmaratnam, and defined rehabilitation outcomes, this program provides a structured recovery pathway including:
Exercise sessions under the instruction of a Physiotherapist
Skills development sessions delivered by a multidisciplinary team including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists
Energy conservation, fatigue management and goal setting
Stress management and mindfulness
Functional nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits
Return to work, sport and hobbies
Patients will receive preliminary medical screening to determine suitability and establish a baseline to build on throughout the program. This program is evaluated based on routine outcome measure collection, including 6-minute walk test, Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive Function and quality of life and depression anxiety and stress questionnaires. Progress within program and outcome measure achievements will be summarised and reported to referrers on program completion.
To make an appointment: Patients will need to be referred to the program by a primary care physician. To be referred, please have your physician visit this weblink or address a referral letter to Dr Damien Tharmartnam at The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre.
Contact Physician: Dr Damien Tharmaratnam
Parkville (Melbourne)
Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) COVID-19 Follow-Up Clinic
50 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery
Summary: The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) COVID-19 Follow-Up Clinic was initiated to support COVID-19 positive children and their families. The clinic provides acute care and long-term follow-up via telehealth services. Face-to-face appointments are also available (after being cleared from isolation or quarantine).
The clinic aims:
To provide clinical support/advice to COVID-19 positive children/families soon after diagnosis with long term follow-up care
To provide links to long-term primary health care networks and GP’s
To support vulnerable children and families
To provide investigations as needed
To offer children and families the opportunity to participate in research projects (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing)
To make an appointment: External referrals can be made by your GP here.
The Clinic is open on Wednesdays from 1:30pm – 4:30pm.
Contact Physician: Dr Shidan Tosif
New South Wales
St Vincent’s Hospital Post-Acute and Long COVID Clinic
406 Victoria St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia
Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery (NON-PULMONARY)
The St Vincent’s Hospital Post-Acute and Long COVID Clinic will see patients aged over 16 years that are recovering from confirmed SARS-CoV-2 viral infection (positive RAT or PCR) but are still experiencing significant symptoms at least four weeks from the date of positive SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis.
The Clinic’s rehabilitation team will review patients with persisting symptoms of COVID-19 infection and experiencing a functional decline that impacts activities of daily living and return to work. The symptoms targeted in this clinic will be fatigue, brain fog and other cognitive changes and other non-pulmonary symptoms of long COVID. Our medical specialists are supported by a multidisciplinary team of allied health professionals, including physiotherapy and psychologist, to provide holistic assessment and care.
Once the Clinic receives a completed online referral from your GP or specialist (see below), a member of the Long COVID Clinic team will contact you to coordinate your care. During the discussion, you will also be asked to participate in an online screening tool (Yorkshire Rehabilitation Screening Tool). The screening tool helps the team understand how you have been affected since your COVID illness. You will receive a link via text message or email to complete the online screening tool following your consent. Then, your clinician will be able to review your results and plan for your treatment.
Priority will be given to patients aged over 16 years previously admitted to St Vincent’s Hospital or cared for by St Vincent's Virtual (at home) Care. Still, outside referrals with a valid GP referral can also be seen, particularly if symptoms are severe and there have been more than three months since the acute COVID-19 illness.
To make an appointment: Ask your GP or referring physician to:
Complete the SVHNS Long COVID Referral Form
Arrange for you to have a Chest X-ray (PA and lateral) and results prior to your appointment
Arrange for you to have the following blood tests and results prior to your appointment:
Uric Acid
Coagulation profile
Fasting BSL and Cholesterol
Iron Studies
Vitamin D, B12, Folate, Selenium, Zinc
EBV and CMV serology and quantitative PCR
Hepatitis B and C serology