The list below provides information on a growing network of Post COVID Care Centers (PCCC).
If you know of any additional care facilities or centers, please send details and info to science@survivorcorps.com.
Every Post COVID Care facility offers different services and access to specialists. We have labeled each according to services offered: Multidisciplinary Long-Term Recovery (most comprehensive), Rehabilitation & Therapy (focus on rehabilitation) and Acute COVID-19 Recovery (focus on improved function after severe illness or hospitalization, often in-patient services). *Survivor Corps does not endorse any providers.
Cape Town
Groote Schuur Hospital Post-Covid-19 Lung Disease Clinic
Main Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7935, South Africa
Pulmonary Long-Term Recovery
Each week, five pulmonologists and other healthcare staff at the Groote Schuur Hospital Post-Covid-19 Lung Disease Clinic see five new, and between 10 and 15 existing patients. Patients are treated for persistent respiratory symptoms which include shortness of breath, chest pain, and fatigue. Groote Schuur’s Post-Covid-19 Lung Disease Clinic looks at what might cause patients’ symptoms and then suggests individualized treatment plans for that patient.
To make an appointment: To become a patient at Groote Schuur Hospital, you have to be referred by a primary or secondary healthcare facility, such as a clinic or doctor. You can call the hospital’s general number at +27 21 404 9111. Due to its limited capacity, strict referral criteria are followed to prioritize patients most in need. The clinic is hosted at the hospital’s Division of Pulmonology every Friday,