#Push4Plasma is a coordinated, educational and social media campaign to increase Convalescent Plasma donations nationwide, in an effort to combat the impact of COVID-19.
People who have recovered from COVID - and have antibodies - can donate their COVID Convalescent Plasma (CCP) to help people recover from the disease. Those who have received a COVID vaccine can still donate blood and platelets, but need to wait a period of time before donating their plasma. Make an appointment and give TODAY. #GiftOfLife
A single donation can save up to 3 lives!
The main focus of this campaign is to educate, motivate and mobilize students, faculty, alumni, and athletes on campuses across the country (and involve their parents, family and friends) in order to get more people to donate more blood (and plasma), more often - and in more locations!
For many, this will be their 1st time. And for a large number of college-age students who had COVID, they can now get tested for antibodies, donate their CCP, and help to increase the critical supply shortage of life saving blood and plasma products.
College Campus Chapters, student groups and Community Organizers across the country will have the support of Survivor Corps, University Blood Initiative, AABB, PlasmaSaves.org and CCPP19.org (National Convalescent Plasma Project), in working with their students, alumni, faculty and communities to spread awareness, host blood and plasma drives, and grow the #DonationNation. We Need Plasma. We Need Donors. #Push4Plasma
#SaveALifeToday! Donate plasma and blood today! Be a #Superhero.
Boston Celtic’s Marcus Smart, recovered from COVID-19, tested positive for the antibodies and is a regular CCP (Convalescent Plasma) donor! #GiveBack
Feb. 10, 2021: #Push4Plasma National Campaign Kickoff Webinar
COVID Live Webinar: (Feb. 5, 2021): Convalescent Plasma, treatments and protocols and “CCP Hesitancy” (Mayo and Johns Hopkins)
New York Blood Center (Jan. 8, 2021): Be a #Superhero! Meet Abbie, whose CCP donation saved Scott’s life. #NYBC #SaveALifeToday
Push4Plasma Campaign
#Push4Plasma is a coordinated, educational and social media campaign to increase convalescent plasma donations nationwide, in an effort to combat the impact of COVID-19.
College Campus Chapters and Community Organizers across the country will have the support of Survivor Corps, University Blood Initiative, AABB, and CCPP19.org (National Convalescent Plasma Project), in working with their students, alumni, faculty and communities to spread awareness, host blood and plasma drives, and grow the #DonationNation.
We Need Plasma. We Need Donors. #Push4Plasma
Sign up to Donate CCP
Have you recovered from COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies? If yes, you have a unique opportunity to help those still battling COVID-19 by donating your Convalescent Plasma [CCP]. This lifesaving treatment is in great demand and the national supply is currently LOW.
Register HERE to donate! You will be contacted by a nearby donation center to schedule your donation. Be a Hero - Save a Life Today!
(While optional, creating a Bio-Linked User Account will allow you to opt-in for future life-saving medical research opportunities.)
Pay It Forward!
PlasmaSaves.org is a not-for-profit organization responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by facilitating CCP donations to save lives and fund critical research.
PlasmaSaves.org pays it forward by donating $100 in each donor’s name to God’s Love We Deliver or a Food Is Medicine Coalition member (near the donor) – providing medically tailored meals to those living with serious illness.