If you’ve just tested positive for COVID-19, a Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Treatment may help you recover faster.
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment is given by infusion or injection, depending on the provider. In under an hour, you’ll receive laboratory-made antibodies that would have taken your body weeks to produce, giving your body a head start in its effort to fight off the virus.
mAb therapies must be given early - within 10 days of symptom onset.
These services are available at no, or minimal, cost. If you have any concerns, talk to the provider about options. They are there to help!
More about Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
To find locations that have received Monoclonal Antibody doses, search the three databases below or check our STATE location listings below them.
CALL for an appointment and to confirm that treatment is being administered. Many locations require a referral from your healthcare provider or a screening call.
SEARCH these databases for a location near you:
Espanõl: Buscar arriba un lugar para recibir tratamiento.
If you know of additional locations where you can receive mAb treatment, please email: Science@SurvivorCorps.com.
Below, listed by state, are additional treatment locations and directions on how to receive treatment:
Monoclonal antibody treatment through Baptist Health has been suspended for the time being.
According to the Alaska Department of Health & Human Services, the monoclonal antibody Sotrovimab is still available for those with COVID-19. The Department advises you to call your health care provider or call the Alaska state COVID Hotline at 907-646-3322 to for more information on how to receive Sotrovimab treatment.
The Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau has a limited supply of Sotrovimab that they are administering based on prioritization criteria. For more information: Email COVIDquestions@juneau.org or call 907-796-8900.
As of 1/27/2022, the Arizona Department of Health Services says about 60 providers in the state are still able to provide Sotrovimab. Find these providers listed here.
The Tuscon Medical Center Healthcare Clinic has closed its Monoclonal Antibody Clinic at the El Dorado Health Campus.
The Arkansas Department of Health website has a list of all state facilities providing COVID-19 therapeutics, including monoclonal antibodies.
The Infusion Center Fairview (ICF) COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Center (The California Medical Assistance Team) is NOW CLOSED.
The ECRMC Antibody Infusion Center is prioritizing monoclonal antibody treatment for those who can provide proof of insurance, a valid ID, a positive COVID-19 test result, and proof of two or more comorbidities. Call 760-339-7100 for more information.
A complete list of acute care hospitals receiving sotrovimab supply in Los Angeles County as of 1/25/2022 can be found HERE.
High-risk patients in San Diego County can call (619) 685-2500 to request an appointment at a nearby Monoclonal Antibody Regional Center (MARC).
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment encourages those with COVID-19 seeking monoclonal antibody treatment to call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-877-268-2926 to request an appointment. Note that limited appointments are available.
The hotline is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MT.
You can also find a list of upcoming available appointments at COMassVax.org through the following clinics:
Kaiser Permanente Lone Tree clinic: Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Kaiser Permanente Denver Regional clinic: Tuesday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Denver Health Pena UC: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Sat/Sun 9a.m. - 3 p.m.
Pagosa Springs Health Center: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Yale New-Haven Hospital is currently providing sotrovimab at the following outpatient facilities:
Bridgeport Hospital
Greenwich Hospital
Lawrence + Memorial Hospital
Westerly Hospital
Yale New Haven Hospital
Phone: 833-275-9644 (833-ASK-YNHH).
ChristianaCare is offering monoclonal antibody treatment on a case-by-case basis.
”If your provider is within ChristianaCare, they can place a referral to activate the process. If your provider is not within ChristianaCare or you would like to make a referral as a patient, then please call 302-428-2121 and select provider option 1 for referrals.”
District of Columbia
The MedStar Washington Hospital Center is offering limited monoclonal antibody treatment to those with COVID-19 who are either unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated or have at least two comorbidities.
Physician referral information.
All monoclonal antibody sites in the state of Florida will be closed until further notice, according to the Florida Department of Health.
Wellstar Health System is offering monoclonal antibody treatment to high-risk individuals at 12 locations across Georgia. To confirm eligibility and book an appointment, patients should contact their primary care provider.
”As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we will monitor the situation and make adjustments to eligibility requirements as necessary.”
Maui Health is offering mAb therapy for qualified individuals. Providers and patients themselves can fill out the COVID Treatment Referral form here. For further questions, email MHS-CovidTherapies-Outpt@kp.org.
“As supply is limited, requests will be reviewed carefully to ensure we can provide treatment to COVID-positive individuals at the highest risk for severe illness.”
St. Luke's Clinic has set up an COVID Antibody Treatment center for those at moderate-to-high risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection.
Address: 3525 E. Louise Drive (Meadowlake Building), Suite 165, Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 706-0646
Referral is required. You must have an appointment; the clinic is unable to accommodate walk-ins.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has an online COVID-19 Outpatient Therapy Locator map tool that residents can use to find free therapies provided to prevent COVID-19 infection (Evusheld and Sotrovimab) and severe illness or hospitalization for COVID-19 (Sotrovimab, Paxlovid and Molnupiravir).
**These allocations are EXTREMELY limited.
The Indiana Department of Health has produced an interactive map of statewide locations that are offering sotrovimab treatment. A prescription from a healthcare provider is required to receive any mAb therapy.
The University of Iowa Health Care system is taking referrals from care providers to provide limited sotrovimab treatment for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and meet criteria for treatment. Patients can be referred by calling 319-384-9010.
The University of Kansas Health System is offering monoclonal antibody treatment. A physician referral is required to be considered for treatment. Referrals can be faxed to 913-945-9227. A nurse will contact each patient. For more information, call 913-588-1227.
The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services has a page on their website listing all Regional COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Administration Centers.
From the Louisiana Department of Health website: “Monoclonal antibody sites are temporarily closed until further notice due to a pause in federal shipments.”
Northern Light Health is providing sotrovimab outpatient treatment based on state and federal prioritization criteria as of 1/10/2022.
Providers can place a referral for their patients here.
Patients can refer themselves here.
Baltimore Convention Center [BCC] Task Force Joint Outpatient Infusion Center
The Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital (BCCFH) - COVID Task Force is operating an outpatient infusion center to administer monoclonal antibody therapy to treat COVID-19.
The Task Force has also partnered with Upper Chesapeake Medical Center to provide monoclonal antibody at their infusion center in Bel Air, MD.
Due to scarcity of medication during this time of the Omicron surge, the BCCFH Infusion Center must prioritize this treatment for patients who are at the highest risk for hospitalization or death. This means that, at times, not everyone who meets the criteria in the FDA Provider Fact Sheet will be offered treatment.
To make an appointment: BCCFH Infusion Center prefers for patients to be seen and referred by their primary care or another provider. However, if a patient cannot be seen by a provider, the patient may contact the Center’s Care Coordination Team to speak with someone who can explain monoclonal antibody therapy and figure out if it is the right treatment option. Reach the Team by either of the following:
1. Completing a self-referral form at umms.org/COVIDInfusionCenter
2. Calling the BCCFH – COVID Task Force Infusion Center at 410-649-6122 , Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm to reach the clinical team.Hatzalah Baltimore is a non-profit, volunteer community organization that is currently offering monoclonal antibody therapy. They will only receive intake through their website.
If you are a physician or patient and require assistance please email the Hatzalah Office at covidtherapy@hatzalahbaltimore.org.
[Multiple Locations]
MedStar Health
”The new dominant variant, Omicron, has shown strong resistance to commonly used monoclonal antibody treatments. The treatment currently available, sotrovimab, is in extremely limited supply. As vaccinated patients have significant protection against Covid-19, monoclonal antibodies are being prioritized for those who are unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or immunocompromised (not able to mount an adequate immune response).”
Phone: (410) 350-3200.
Massachusetts state government has developed a COVID-19 Therapeutic Locator for state residents to access nearby monoclonal antibodies and/or oral antivirals.
Henry Ford Health System is offering sotrovimab treatment to those who have had mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19 for 7 days or less, have tested positive for COVID-19, and are:
Age 75 and older
Have severe lung disease with supplemental oxygen requirement
On dialysis
Obese (BMI greater than 40)
Immunocompromised, including the following conditions:
Primary immunodeficiency
Active chemotherapy
Biologic immunomodulators/immunosuppressive drugs,
HIV with uncontrolled viral load
Taking high dose steroids 20 mg/day at least two weeks)
The recent increase in COVID-19 positive patients and a shortage of medication available to treat Omicron is creating the need for stricter eligibility criteria through the Henry Ford Health System. If you have a Henry Ford doctor, please ask your doctor to submit an Epic order to be assessed for treatment (all physicians can use the Referring Physician Office to place orders).
Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital
Blodgett Hospital, 1840 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
To be considered for MAB treatment through Spectrum Health, patients must be 12 years of age or older and meet the following initial criteria:
Positive COVID-19 test
COVID-19-related symptoms have been present for less than 10 days
Patient is not hospitalized
One or more of the following risk factors for disease progression: significant immunosuppression, morbid obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, lung disease or being age 65 and older
Anyone who meets the criteria can contact the COVID-19 infusion clinic for possible treatment at (616) 391-0351 or covid19research@spectrumhealth.org.
McLaren Northern Michigan MedCenter - Petoskey North. Call before going. Referral may not be required. (231) 348-2828. 116 West Mitchell Street
McLaren Northern Michigan MedCenter - Petoskey South. Call before going. Referral may not be required. (231) 487-2000. 1890 US-131 #4
University of Michigan Health | Michigan Medicine is offering all available supply of sotrovimab to their post-COVID patients; post-exposure monoclonal antibody treatment is unavailable at this time.
Patients and Providers statewide can access treatment through the MN Department of Health website portal.
OptumLabs Infusion Center
9705 Data Park Drive, Minnetonka, MN
(800) 634-5198
From the Mississippi Department of Health website: “If you have tested positive for COVID-19, contact your doctor or a healthcare provider about receiving treatment with monoclonal antibodies.”
Jackson: St. Dominic Hospital
969 Lakeland Dr, Jackson, MS 39216
(601) 200-2000
“Demand for both COVID testing and treatments has increased significantly in recent weeks. So far, we have been able to meet the demand for treatment of individuals with minimum criteria. If the trends continue, we will likely have to (further) prioritize treatments for those at greatest risk of severe illness from COVID-19. The environment is rapidly changing as the Omicron variant becomes more common here in Mississippi, and we are adjusting antibody treatment to utilize those more effective with this variant.”
A Missouri mAb Infusion Sites map provided by the state Department of Health and Senior Services can be found here.
Under the “Therapeutic Sites” tab of the Montana DPHHS COVID-19 Therapeutics page is an interactive map of all COVID Therapeutic Treatment Sites.
From Nebraska Medicine: “ Bamlanivimab with etesevimab, casirivimab with imdevimab, and sotrovimab are COVID-19 neutralizing antibody treatments for high risk patients who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who have been directly exposed to someone with COVID-19. Antibody treatments are given to people who aren't in the hospital. They may help your body to better fight the virus, preventing a COVID-19 infection from progressing.
Some things to note about these treatments:
Supplies are very limited. It will not be possible for everyone who becomes sick with COVID-19 to receive one of these treatments at this time
These treatments are NOT available at our emergency departments or clinics.
If you meet the qualifications to receive one of these treatments, please ask your health care provider to submit you for consideration.”
NOTE from Sunrise Hospital Monoclonal Antibody Clinic, Las Vegas, Jan. 1, 2022: “We apologize, due to the government pause on monoclonal antibody therapy, Sunrise Hospital is currently out of the treatment at this time. We will provide an update when we have supply.”
New Hampshire
The New Hampshire COVID-19 Response bureau has provided a PDF map of state monoclonal antibody infusion locations that is up-to-date as of January 19th, 2022.
New Jersey
Monmouth Medical Center NORTH Campus
300 2nd Ave, Long Branch, NJ 07740
[Multiple Locations]:
Virtua Health switched over to sotrovimab about two weeks ago, said Dr. Martin Topiel, the infection control officer and head of infectious diseases for the hospital system. “Because of the lower supplies available, we further prioritized what we can offer until there’s a better window into how many doses will be available to us from the state,” Topiel said. “It’s all new. It’s not clear what volume of dosing will be available [from the federal government] to each state.” (12/28/2021)
Phone: 888-847-8823
Monoclonal Antibodies for COVID-19 Across the HMH Network:
[If you have Covid-19, your physician can refer you to an HMH hospital to determine whether you would benefit from this treatment.]Hackensack University Medical Center: The hospital has a dedicated monoclonal antibody treatment team located on site. Hackensack follows the guidelines and criteria for screening and treatment of these patients. Treatment occurs 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Pascack Valley Medical Center: All patients with COVID-19 who are seen at the emergency room are evaluated for monoclonal antibody use as per the guidelines. Patients who meet those criteria will be infused in the emergency room and then discharged home with appropriate instructions.
Palisades Medical Center: At Palisades, clinicians evaluate all of these patients in the emergency room.
Mountainside Medical Center: Mountainside Medical Center is administering monoclonal antibodies in its outpatient population who meet the criteria. Monoclonal antibody treatment is available in the hospital’s Emergency Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patients can make a virtual care appointment with Mountainside Medical Group by visiting mountainsidehosp.com/virtualcare to see if they qualify. For more information about monoclonal drug therapy to treat COVID-19, please visit mountainsidehosp.com/coronavirus and consult the heading “Drug Therapy FAQ.”
JFK University Medical Center: With a dedicated infusion center, JFK is following the criteria and treating those patients 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Jersey Shore University Medical Center: Eligible patients will be scheduled for screening and infusion in the emergency room within 24 hours of referral.
Address: 1945 NJ-33 Neptune, NJ 07753
Phone: (732) 776-4203.
Riverview Medical Center: Riverview follows the guidelines and criteria for screening and treatment of these patients. Treatment is provided Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by appointment.
Ocean Medical Center: All patients with COVID-19 who are seen at the emergency room are evaluated for monoclonal antibody use as per the guidelines. Patients who meet criteria will be infused and then discharged home with appropriate instructions.
Southern Ocean Medical Center: All patients with COVID-19 who are seen at the emergency room are evaluated for monoclonal antibody use as per the guidelines. Patients who meet those criteria will be infused and then discharged home with appropriate instructions.
Holy Name Hospital
”As the Omicron variant spreads, we have found that certain monoclonal antibody treatments are not effective for patients who become infected with this variant. There is one monoclonal antibody treatment that is currently effective against the Omicron variant.
Holy Name is making this therapy available to eligible patients, though supply is extremely limited. Given the limited supply, monoclonal antibody treatment is available only to individuals who meet certain high-risk medical requirements.
If you currently have COVID-19 and are considered high-risk, Holy Name may be able to provide you with monoclonal antibodies treatment. In order to be evaluated for this treatment, please have your Holy Name provider refer you by contacting our North Jersey Telemedicine group at Covidinfusion@holyname.org or 201-833-3495.
At this time, we are only accepting referrals from providers affiliated with Holy Name. If you do not have a Holy Name physician, please find one here for an initial consultation.”
New Mexico
The New Mexico Department of Health has created an interactive map for all COVID-19 therapeutic provider locations. As of February 23rd, 2022, the available monoclonal antibodies are sotrovimab and Evusheld.
New York
Saint. Peter’s Health Partners | Samaritan Hospital [Albany Memorial Campus]
Physician Referral Form.
Patient Inquiries can be emailed to MABReferrals@sphp.com.
New York City, Nassau County or Suffolk County residents with COVID can locate regional monoclonal antibody treatment here.
Nassau County:
Mount Sinai S. Nassau
2277 Grand Ave, Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: (516) 632-4998St. Francis Hospital
100 Port Washington Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576
Phone: (516) 562-6600
NYC Metropolitan Area:
NY Community Hospital
2525 Kings Hwy, Brooklyn, NY 11229
Phone: (718) 692-5300ODA-Wallabout Health Center
74 Wallabout Street, Brooklyn NY
Phone: (718) 260-4600Ezra Medical Center
1278 60th Street, Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 686-2006
New York City residents can call 212-268-4319, select language (1 for english), then press 9 for monoclonal antibody treatment.
Northwell Health Systems:
Phone: (855) 5NWH-CARES
Independent Licensed Providers (Physician, PA, NP) can register patients for treatment at Northwell locations:
For providers IN the Northwell System, register at northwell.edu/antibodyinfusionscreening
Providers & patients NOT in Northwell System, register at northwell.edu/cpcovid19antibodyscreening
Call the Health Solutions Clinical Call Center at (516) 918-6089 for more information.
Westchester County:
Northern Westchester Hospital Infusion Center
400 E. Main Street, Mount Kisco, NY
Phone: 1-833-77NORTH
Proof of positive test required. Patients can self-refer.
Physicians can refer using this FORM.St John's Riverside Hospital, Andrus Pavilion
967 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY
Phone: 914-964-4349 or COVID hotline 914-964-4480.
Patients should consult with their PCP or call 914-964-4429 for a virtual consultation. Providers seeking to refer a patient can call 914-964-4497.
North Carolina
Use the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Treatment Site locator to find monoclonal antibody treatment centers near you.
[McLeod Health System has discontinued its provision of monoclonal antibody treatment at its North Carolina locations, now only offering sotrovimab at McLeod Health Seacoast and McLeod Regional Medical Center. Please see the ‘South Carolina’ section for more information on how to receive treatment through McLeod Health.]
North Dakota
Use the North Dakota Department of Health COVID-19 Treatment Map to find monoclonal antibody treatment centers across the state.
Sanford Health currently has COVID-19 infusion centers operating in the following locations:
UPDATE [01/19/2022]: “Though facing hundreds of eligible patients, the Sanford Fargo facility is getting twice-weekly shipments of just 10-20 Sotrovimab treatments, doses it must then ration to those with qualifying conditions.”
Make sure to check with your chosen location about available supply.
Augusta Health is offering a limited supply of monoclonal antibody treatment for patients with a positive COVID test who meet all eligibility criteria.
1120 15th Street, Augusta, Georgia 30912
Phone: 706-721-9449
Middleburg Heights:
Southwest General Hospital, 18697 Bagley Road. Start the process by calling 440-816-6928. Physician referral needed.
Ohio Health - Offering Monoclonal Antibody Therapy at multiple infusion locations:
Call: (614) 544-4000 for more information:
Athens: OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital
30 Herrold Avenue, Athens, Ohio 45701
Grove City: OhioHealth Grove City Health Center
2030 Stringtown Road, Suite 120, Grove City, Ohio 43123
Kenton: OhioHealth Hardin Memorial Hospital
921 East Franklin Street, Kenton, Ohio 43326
Mansfield: OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital
335 Glessner Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44903
Marion: OhioHealth Marion Infusion Services
1065 Delaware Avenue, Suite C, Marion, Ohio 43302
Westerville: OhioHealth Westerville Medical Campus - Short Stay Unit
300 Polaris Parkway, Westerville, Ohio 43082
OhioHealth at Home - Advanced Home Infusion Services available:
OhioHealth at Home provides specialty medications and infusion therapies at home.
CALL: (614) 566-0888 or (800) 300-7075
The Oklahoma State Department of Health has set up an interactive map to locate COVID-19 Therapeutics providers, with an option to filter for monoclonal antibody providers specifically.
The Oregon Health Authority has provided a list of state facilities that are currently receiving sotrovimab to distribute to patients, along with the number of units allocated to each facility.
Temple University Main Campus, 3401 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, Request an appointment with a pulmonologist today or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536).
Rhode Island
Lifespan Infectious Diseases Center - Various locations
Patients need to be referred by their Providers
Info: Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Centers
Physician Checklist: Physician Checklist HERE:
Referral Form: Providers need to complete this referral FORM and FAX to (401) 793-4351
Patient Fact Sheet: Bamlanivimab HERE: English / Espanõl
Patient Fact Sheet: Casirivimab / Imdevimab HERE: English / Espanõl
Call: (401) 793-2928 for more information
South Carolina
McLeod Health System : “Due to increasing demands, the rise in the Omicron variant and a national drug shortage, infusion therapy supply is limited. Therefore, appointment space for COVID Infusion therapy is also limited. In order to receive therapy you will need a referral order from a provider. Patients will be prioritized based on their risk factors and all patients may not be able to be accommodated… Appointments for infusion are available at McLeod Regional Medical Center and McLeod Health Seacoast.”
McLeod Regional Medical Center:
555 E Cheves St, Florence, SC 29506
Phone: (843) 777-2000McLeod Health Seacoast:
4000 Hwy 9 E, Little River, SC 29566
Phone: (843) 390-8100
Healthcare providers may use this referral form to begin the process of referring patients for treatment.
Tidelands Georgetown 606 Black River Road, Georgetown,SC 29440. Call 843-527-7000
South Dakota
Avera Health monoclonal antibody treatment locations in South Dakota can be found here.
UPDATE: “The reduction in supply is forcing both Avera Health and Sanford Health to prioritize eligible patients with the highest risk of severe illness first for infusions. While not everyone eligible is getting antibody treatment, their supplies can only go so far.”
Make sure to check with your chosen location about available supply.
University of Tennessee Medical Center: (3 locations)
All three UT health systems will be administering Monoclonal Antibody Therapy on an outpatient basis
Provider Referral Form: Click HERE to refer a patient for treatment.
Call: (865) 374-0555 - Covenant Health Rapid Access Center
Call: (865) 218-7011 - Tennova Turkey Creek Medical Center ED
Call: (865) 859-1060 - North Knoxville Medical Center
Houston Methodist. Click HERE for information and a referral for treatment
Ascent Emergency Medical Center. Make an appointment online. 713-574-1166
Brooke Army Medical Center Infusion Clinic Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam. Referral required. (210) 916-7500
El Paso- Hospitals of Providence - Referral forms for adults and children are available on the website. Referrals required. For more information contact:
915-577-6887 (patient scheduling line)
915-577-7245 (fax referral line)
915-577-7891 (information line)
Texas Monoclonal Map showing where to receive treatment is available HERE.
SignatureCare Emergency Centers are offering treatment in Houston, Texarkana, Odessa, Paris, College Station/Bryan, Austin, Killeen, Midland, Lewisville, Pflugerville, Plano and Spring. Patients will be evaluated onsite. Call the center near you for more information.
From the Utah Department of Health: “There are mAb treatment locations across the state of Utah. Many of these locations are at hospitals or outpatient clinics. The Utah Department of Health also has a free mAb infusion center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
You must qualify or have a doctor’s referral to get mAb treatment. DO NOT show up to a treatment location without an appointment. You will be turned away.
Talk to your doctor or use the risk score calculator to see if you qualify for mAb and to find a treatment center near you. You can also call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-456-7707 for more information. “
Currently available contact information for sites offering SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody treatment in Vermont:
1. Gifford Hospital: Call 802-728-7000 and request to be connected to the administrator on call regarding monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19.
2. Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital: Call 802-748-7951 to speak with Lyndi Medico, Nurse Manager.
3. Rutland Regional Medical Center: Call 802-772-2416 to speak with Jonathon Prendergast, RN.
The Virginia Department of Health has created an interactive COVID-19 state treatment locator and has an updated list of facilities with active sotrovimab inventory.
Northern Virginia - INOVA COVID19 Care Clinics
Lorton (co-located within the offsite Emergency Room) 9321 Sanger St
Reston (co-located within the offsite Emergency Room) 11901 Baron Cameron Ave
Fairfax (opening within the Research Clinic location)
A positive COVID-19 test is required prior to scheduling a telemedicine assessment for treatment.
Call 571-472-4502, Email: ExtendedCOVID19CareClinicSchedulingLeaderSupport@inova.org
Provider referral form: https://www.inova.org/covidclinic
Patient referral form: https://www.inova.org/covidclinic-patients
From the Washington Department of Health :
“If you think you might qualify [for monoclonal antibody treatment], please speak to your healthcare provider first and get a referral before contacting these sites to arrange an appointment. There is limited capacity at certain sites, and it is preferred that individuals contact these facilities over the phone to arrange an appointment time, in order to limit exposure for staff and other patients.
People who have had symptoms for 10 days or less should be referred for treatment by their healthcare providers and directed to available infusion locations.
There is no cost to anyone for the antibodies themselves, but there may be treatment fees. If you do not have insurance, ask the facility if there will be a charge.”
West Virginia
South Charleston - Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Center at Thomas Memorial Hospital. Patient must have a signed physician’s order, and be scheduled through the Central Scheduling Department at (304) 766-3726. 4605 MacCorkle Ave, SW South Charleston, WV 25309
Barron - Mayo Clinic COVID-19 Infusion Center 1222 E. Woodland Ave., Barron, WI 54812 Appointments: 715-537-6747
Eau Claire - Mayo Clinic COVID-19 Infusion Center 1221 Whipple St., Eau Claire, WI 54703 General: 715-838-3311
Banner Health - Multiple locations
Banner Health is offering Outpatient Monoclonal Antibody treatment for patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms. You’ll need a either a physician’s referral or you can schedule an appointment with a Banner Urgent Care Tele-Health provider to one of their infusion centers.
Provider Referral Form: Complete this form and FAX to the numbers indicated.
Call: Providers can call Banner Health directly - Phone numbers HERE
Info: Physician Treatment Information.