FAQs & Fact Sheets: Monoclonal Antibodies
Emergency Use Authorizations [EUA]:
FAQs (Survivor Corps): Monoclonal Antibodies
FDA Update (May 26, 2021): FDA Authorizes 3rd Monoclonal Antibody for Treatment (Sotrovimab)
FDA Update (Apr. 16, 2021): FDA Revokes Monoclonal Antibody EUA for Bamlanivimab -when used alone
*Alternative monoclonal antibody therapies authorized to treat patients with COVID-19 remain available
Regeneron - Casirivimab & Imdevimab:
FAQs from the FDA: EUA for Casirivimab and Imdevimab (when administered together)
Eli Lilly - Bamlanivimab & Etesevimab:
FAQs from the FDA: EUA for Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab (when administered together)
GlaxoSmithKline - Sotrovimab:
FAQs from the FDA: EUA for Sotrovimab